The IPIA supports the work of JICMAIL by promoting to its membership and the wider industry the value of its data, insights and resources to diversify and strengthen their businesses.

Partnering with JICMAIL enables the print and mailing industry to leverage data-driven insights to improve the performance and credibility of their services, attract new business, and demonstrate the value of direct mail marketing in achieving clients' objectives.

Enhanced Measurement and Insights: JICMAIL offers detailed metrics on consumer interactions with mail, such as reach, frequency, and lifespan. This data helps the industry demonstrate the effectiveness of mail campaigns to clients, showing how mail influences consumer behaviour.

Improved Campaign Performance: With access to JICMAIL’s insights, companies in the print and mailing industry can optimise their services, tailoring their products to meet the specific needs and preferences of advertisers. This leads to more effective mail campaigns and better results for clients.

Credibility and Industry Standards: By aligning with JICMAIL’s standards and methodologies, companies can ensure that their practices meet industry benchmarks. This enhances the credibility of their offerings and helps attract more advertisers looking for reliable partners.

Increased Value Proposition: JICMAIL data allows the print and mailing industry to showcase the tangible benefits of direct mail marketing, positioning it as a viable and effective channel in a multi-channel marketing strategy.

Strategic Partnerships and Growth Opportunities: Collaboration with JICMAIL can open up new avenues for partnerships and innovation, helping companies stay competitive in a rapidly evolving marketing landscape.

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