Plan more efficient and effective campaigns with TGI + JICMAIL Fusion

TGI survey data allows you to identify, target and plan campaigns that reach the right audience through its huge range of consumer insights. With TGI + JICMAIL Fusion, you can visualise consumer behaviour with mail across all TGI data points to better plan and execute your campaigns.

Make your campaigns more effective by finding out about your customers' behaviour with mail, and plan more efficient multi-channel campaigns by acknowledging their cross-platform media consumption habits. You can now assess mail exposure and frequency of interaction across multiple target audiences, drawing upon the thousands of audience variables in TGI.

The TGI + JICMAIL Fusion sampler deck and separate Golden Insights are shown below - please download. For more insight and to discuss getting the most from TGI + JICMAIL Fusion please contact

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#1 TGI & JICMAIL Golden Insight: Digital Natives interact with Mail as much as other Groups

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#2 TGI & JICMAIL Golden Insight: Find Hidden Audiences for Financial Services

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#3 TGI & JICMAIL Golden Insight: Door Drops drive ‘Hot Prospects’ for UK tourism online

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#4 TGI & JICMAIL Golden Insight: Door Drops drive acquisition in the Telecoms sector

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#5 TGI & JICMAIL Golden Insight: Door Drops drive potential car buyers online.

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#6 TGI & JICMAIL Golden Insight: Mail drives full funnel effects in regular visitors to shopping centres and malls

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