JICMAIL, c/o DMA Offices, Rapier House, 40 Lamb’s Conduit Street, London, WC1N 3LB. Company no 4123433
JICMAIL shows how mail drives cost efficiency beyond volume in a like for like comparison with other channels
This means
For example, using the Audience Comparison Tool (ACT), we can see that a £100,000 budget will buy 2,000,000 Door Drops based on a planning cost of £50 per 1000 volume purchased. However, as Door Drops reach more people and are interacted with more often than just the base volume, the Delivered Impacts are much higher at 5,616,000 giving a CPT of £17.41. A 64% improvement in cost efficiency versus the volume only cost comparison of £50 per 1000 base. Using the same methodology, comparison with other channels including online is possible using ACT, for example, the relative cost efficiency of Search impacts can be evaluated. In the case of Search with a CPT (Cost Per Thousand) of £50 per 1000 impacts, and based on this measure of audience impact CPT, Door Drops offer value for money.